Touching Hearts at Home Serves New York City’s Aging Seniors

Andrew Lungstrom  |  April 10, 2009  | 

Aging in home in new york

Franchisee Craig Sendach’s office offers ‘Hearts and Arts’ outings and more for seniors in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens

Once upon a time, nursing homes were the long-term care solution for aging adults. Touching Hearts at Home gives seniors and their families a choice. Aging in home is the first choice for any person who prefers being as independent as possible. Touching Hearts at Home helps make that happen.

New York City franchise owner Craig Sendach serves clients in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. "We offer aging adults, seniors, and people living with medical conditions or disabilities the opportunity to remain in their homes and maintain their lifestyle of choice," Craig says. "Touching Hearts provides one of the most affordable solutions for non-medical, in-home care, with expertly trained, and meticulously selected, home care professionals.  Their services range from assisting with the tasks of daily living, memory care, medication reminders, and more. A care plan is developed with our clients to meet their needs.”

What is most significant is the vital role of companionship?

Recognizing staying socially active is an important part of healthy aging, a caregiver can accompany seniors on "Hearts and Arts" outings in the Big Apple. This can include anything from visiting family and friends, doctor's appointments or going to the theatre.

"I realized through my family's experiences that people requiring care don't always know where to turn," Craig continues. "We are committed to helping families and individuals make decisions they won't regret. Caring is what we do". The New York City team helps provide a reliable, consistent level of care to all clients, with an office staff available 24/7.

Touching Hearts at Home got its start in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Renae Peterson. She began providing solutions for seniors to remain in their homes in 1996. The challenges that come with the natural progression of aging can make daily tasks seem daunting when living without extra help.  "We make what seems impossible, possible," says Peterson. "Aging adults and people living with disabilities can now continue to thrive in their community and take advantage of the social and cultural opportunities unique to New York City."

Join Touching Hearts at Home today

Seniors in communities all over the United States need the services Touching Hearts provides. We have large, exclusive, open territories available nationwide. To learn more about our franchise opportunity, see our research pages or fill out or inquiry form. We can't wait to start a conversation with you.

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