Touching Hearts at Home is Recruiting Medical and Pharma Sales Reps

admin_thearts  |  October 19, 2020  | 

Professionals with existing medical or pharma sales skills excel in senior care ownership

You’ve spent the bulk of your career in medical or pharma sales. You've worked with healthcare providers to deliver critical, often life-saving products to their patients. Along the way, you've built a set of skills comprising direct sales, client service, and business management. Now, the industry is changing.

For some medical and pharmaceutical sales professionals, commissions have been shrinking as manufacturers reorient their sales model. Maybe the impacts of a global pandemic mean lost opportunities to sell their products. For many, they want to continue to grow their career, but they want to do something different. Maybe you're completely satisfied with your career and income, but you're curious about what other opportunities might be out there. No matter which of these categories you fall into, you believe there is something better, more rewarding and fulfilling over the horizon.

If any of these feelings sound familiar, you are not alone

Medical and pharma sales have been amazing industries to work in over the past few decades, but in today’s market, the industry is embroiled in a rapid transformation. Healthcare regulations, litigation, limited access to medical professionals, increasing costs and decreasing commissions are just a few of the frustrations sales reps are experiencing in the marketplace.

The good news is that the skills you spent your career developing are valuable and translate to one of the fastest growing industries in client care: at home senior care. Senior home care provides non-medical, in-house care for the elderly. For many factors, this industry is rapidly growing, and with virtually no end in sight. The exponential growth of senior care is due to a perfect storm of the global pandemic and a rapidly aging population.

The senior care industry offers a unique opportunity

When Covid-19 struck the U.S., senior care facilities across the country went on lockdown. This move was necessary to protect vulnerable residents who live in nursing homes, assisted living residences, and dementia care facilities. Prior to the pandemic, more than 90% of seniors expressed a desire to age in place, or to remain in the homes they've spent a lifetime building. After the pandemic, elderly loved ones who still live at home have abandoned any thought of moving to assisted living apartments or long-term care facilities. This doesn't alleviate their need for care, though, and they are turning to companies like Touching Hearts at Home to provide the critical, in-home assistance they need. This is driving explosive growth in the short-term, and demand for senior home care is through the roof.

pharma sales reps franchise

But starting a business isn't just about following an opportunity in the short-term. It's about long-term growth. That's where America's rapidly aging population comes into the picture. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10,000 Americans a day join the ranks of the retired. Currently, they're healthy, vibrant, and enjoying the grandkids. As they grow older over the coming years, their care needs will increase. Aging retirees are expected to drive the senior home care industry in the U.S. to more than $225 billion by 2024. Touching Hearts at Home is a trusted source and recognized leader for senior home care, making it an ideal opportunity for you to transition from medical or pharmaceutical sales into a thriving and growing industry.

This is why we’re looking for people just like you! Franchisees who possess your sales skills and experience in the medical and pharmaceutical industries start faster, often ramp up quicker, and build some of the largest and most successful senior care operations in the country.

What is Touching Hearts at Home?


Our CEO and Founder, Renae Peterson, launched Touching Hearts at Home out of compassion and a service mindset. After working just one year in the corporate world, Peterson decided to pursue her dream of business ownership. Peterson went on to open a Merry Maids franchise. Her success inspired her to expand and open a second. After running both businesses successfully for nine years, she sold them. After a few years, her brother, Dale Peterson, founded ServiceMaster Caring Companions, a home care franchise. Initially, Peterson served as a consultant, then as an independent owner. From there -- the rest is history as the saying goes.

Peterson had always known her passion was to create her own business. And even as a Merry Maids franchise owner, she knew there was a great need for a company that helped seniors not only get the care they needed, but also helped them remain at home. Enter Touching Hearts at home. Founded in 1996, our thriving non-medical in-home senior care franchise works to meet the needs of our nation’s consistently aging senior population.

“We offer one-on-one, person-centered care to our clients,” says Renae Peterson, CEO and Founder of Touching Hearts at Home. “We give seniors stimulation and companionship, and ease loneliness and fight depression. Touching Hearts designs a care plan that’s unique to each person. We’ve literally added years to people’s lives, helping them maintain their quality of life.”

With more than 30 years of franchising and senior care experience, Peterson not only provides our franchisees' leadership that can’t be found anywhere else, but also teaches the importance of compassion and service, which is deeply rooted in our culture.

Current or former pharma sales rep wanting to get started with a Touching Hearts at Home franchise?

If you’re considering starting your own business, Touching Hearts at Home is an exciting and worthy investment. We are one of the fastest-growing non-medical in-home senior care franchises in the country. Touching Hearts is a recession-resistant opportunity providing an essential service to clients you already know: aging seniors. It's also an affordable opportunity, with total costs starting at $52,900, and we offer third-party financing options. To find out more, fill out our inquiry form. We can't wait to hear from you!

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